Sunday, October 16, 2022

Tomorrow on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Tomorrow on Earth as it is in Heaven.
how many people will enter into Heaven after i Judged everyone as Jesus would have done. so when i was the shepherd i brought back everyone which was one shepherds fold. or 100%. then i Roger Grant said that "we will all make it into Heaven or we will all go to Hell. " and i still find some people who did not go to Hell today. but end up in our world tomorrow without knowing what was good and evil. they will be taken from these days so that we who had done good on earth will be rewarded the Heven on Earth and these who are in jeopardy will go to Hell on their account that was done today. and if i see anything as such in Heaven this will be the coming of its wrath that will be upon this earth as to their own day tomorrow that destroyed the earth because they who had destroyed us had died without believing in Me Roger Grant who helped them "7777" times before they would help themselves. they will destroy what was good now if they would return today, but gave this world unto you and not unto those who destroyed it before. but i gave us a chance and placed them at the end of times to face their destiny.

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Dead Can Not Ask For Forgiveness

 Hell is your echo imprint and the times that you had given to God without knowing who God was and who honors all but those who do honor themselves by killing thier own tree. and they know what they must go through is impurity the part of the judgment that contacts the dead and the living at one time so that they will be persecuted by their own peers or by the ones who hold to them the same action to what they had done in this lifetime to them who were living. and the one who is impure must suffer what they had done in this life time if they do not fall into the hands of God's law (Judicial Law) then those who are going through impurity will suffer in this lifetime the intensity of what they had others suffer before they had died and before they were taken to a worse place. no heaven can be given to any impure spirit before they are given into the hands of the dead. 

Friday, September 9, 2022

Your Agreement

Your Rights to Heaven

what you do in your spiritual life will last forever even in your next life. stop meddling with powers that you can never control. we just are just as the dust is in the wind that can not stop its tempest that carries you away into the afterlife to die in the fires of Hell. and what wrong you do in your physical past life can only hurt your past life. i.e. someone who matures and grows up can only suffer their past life when they were a child growing up because your physical does carry on into the next life after death.

The Watchers of Good and Evil

spirituality is like a fire that can not be put out nor can be used against good people. by doing that you curse everything beside you even your children. do not take this lightly or the fire will come upon you can consume every good thing within and leave you passed with no body, mind, or soul.

The Spiritual Agreement

too many people have died because of spiritual practice that sets the mind free from damnation and the spirit free as well. but those who try to enslave people for thier their own will collapse in front of the Angels that make mighty people fumble and crumble underneath those who they try to make thier servant. i will confirm the actions of those who are spiritual and keep a watch on them who try to change the Lord's work into thier own hands that are cut off from Heaven or reaching anywhere else before they finish thier account with us in Hell. treat what is not of yours with kindness and respect or the Lord will pay you a visit before you die in the hands of those you try to control.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

The Good In Heaven

 The Fire of God Upon You

did you know that good people are paying the price of those that will fight against the false prophet and lose all that they had been given because they did not know Roger Grant who had Judged the universe innocent on Judgment Day.. the day of the Lord's redemption that all shall be Judged not guilty of sin but to your own suffering that has lead you into spiritual torment, for i have come to do only good in the Eyes of God and you pressure Me into doing something that i could never let you do after i had saved this world more than 12 times, and i will burn your flesh from the time that Hell is given to Me, against Me, and for Me.  and as i said before this is not my or your Heaven, so you will have to Kill Me before you can take it away from them who it belongs to.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Waters Gave Up the Dead

"in the river where life was ended, where life is ending, and where life will end up the river and flow out into the ocean where the truth of wisdom has raised us up to walk upon these waters and give up the dead in its own Heavenly state to rise out of the truth and bring us wisdom forever." - Mr. Conner 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Dead Can Talk

 it is as always said to not talk bad about the dead or they will take vengeance upon you. nor shall anyone hold the dead accountable because they have paid their debt to you.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Loyalty and the Mystery

 this i give to all who are loyal to God's day and give to them in Hell. but they saw something that belonged to them when it was thier own imagination that lead them to think that i was the one that had taken what they that thought was theirs, but it was almost the other around. and i hope that all who received this blessing from God will never let themselves go down to Hell where their torment will be the suffering that they already had given to us who are loyal to God. and this is one day that can not be turned around.

The Good and Bad

 if God would return they would create a collective mind of many spiritual people including the bad. they will make then make a universe from that day on. they will continue to speak on behalf of God's nature so that no one would know that they who were bad will comply nor set foot among the good for thier protects them day and night. then they will separate the good from the bad as the bad burn in hell. and it was a short time that the bad could have redeemed themself but stayed to course of thier own actions that burned them day and night.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Prayer: Healing

 dear Lord, hear Me from the flesh of your body, and from the bones of your church that stands upright in the sight of others in hopes that they may not perish also. heal us from our inflictions so that we can maintain your church and body once again. Amen.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Bosom of Roger

 there is a cave of wonder set between here from Alamogordo unto the Three Rivers of  New Mexico where the beginning of North American Native Indians was placed from the Sacredness of Heaven where our children returned back to earth from a place in the Heavens above where they were faithful to God and the ones who are our children in North America the Native children to this God-given right to the Heavens above to rule with Spear of Destiny, and many people had tried to obtain this suffering but most will lose their way if they would even try. and this blessing was always here on earth for the one who made peace outside of our comfort zone. his name is Roger Grant the first God in Heaven and the first man on earth that had done the good deeds on earth and pleased all who were in Judgment Day when i had cleansed this world seven times, and never did i see the times that had been taken from Me. but i returned again and again because there were a few disputes about the color of skin and to what was the Heavenly right to rule upon the earth as its own measure in this universe which became a God-given place that Roger created and no one else had made any Heaven before Roger but to the ones that are in this household that had made it today like Sir Albert Einstein, Nicoli Tesla, and Sir Isaac Newton and many more creators that live today. and the heaven became the sky above where everything is pleasing but the flesh was never upon our spirit as the time was upon our souls today. many will hear about the things that God will do, but unto them, they were only the things that set us from them who never could do miracles but only take from them who are gifted and set above all in Heaven. and a third of these rives had to be touched and dried by the hand of God that gives and receives but never knows until the day they come and only God will know the time that they shall appear. for all had never seen God until that day is fulfilled. and those who see God will die knowing that God is a living being that lives on earth as they do in Heaven. and it is to my name that i commend my flesh and spirit to and from the places that i dwell from on high to where the cave is set for tomorrow in the Bosom of  Mothers.