Friday, August 12, 2022

The Fruit of Knowledge

we are the biggest UAP in a Heavenly Body that travels far and wide in this universe so  that we can create for tomorrows children and not for the children of those who rule the good with evil intent but with good intent to do God's will on earth. and honor your ancestors as your parents have done. and those who become forefathers and mothers are great or even greater in God's eyes so do not take what was given to them in the fifth season. the season that we are in now. God's motion is perpetual and endless without effort. and those who believe in Me. will know the same is in the Spirit of God who is in Me and you with Soul. we will open their mind and the y will see God their presence and many will be like Me, humble and able to see God within their own sight. and those who know that i am the Most Highest God in Heaven will live forever in paradise. the promise land of your ancestors who were faithful and true to Me so that i could get rest in my seventh season and so that they would understand and become God of this promise as they were the first fruit to this garden and will feed their children as i did for them today.

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