Friday, August 5, 2022

Day of Judgement and Sentence

Forgiven 7000 times

those who hate because of differences will not make it back to Heaven on Earth but will be taken to another place so that they would find a missing link between what is true and false. they will then return back to the same day on that earth that they were taken from and be given six more chances to make what was lacking from their character and being complete. they will be there in their world while the rest of us continue on in our world. 1 sin on earth can mean 1000 sins.

Heaven is Now

When do know Heaven is it now will be tomorrow? tomorrow is like a day under the sun if we prepared Heaven today then tomorrow will be our reward as well.

When in Heaven?

does anyone know what happens after you die and you go straight to Heaven? will we be born again and be placed in our mother's arms while we are born? or will enter the pearly gates of Heaven for a moment to live in a place that looks like everything you knew on earth but in a spiritual body that holds all the true meaning of life that was on earth. or will we become Angels of God and serve many on earth like was in Heaven?

The Crown of Heaven

who holds thier crown above everyone on earth when they had never served another God but themselves. they say that the Light of God is not ours but theirs who tried to take it away from Us. these are the ones that caused the destruction of the earth long ago not knowing who they were and who give them a chance to be apart of God's number. and because they could not release my spirit that was in them making them think that they were God, but they do not know that God means All the Gods and not just Me. we could not have done this blessing with only one person or ever two or three, but it took the whole world to come together for this victory that God had given to Her people.

New Kingdom of God

New Kingdom of God
many will come in my name not knowing the Light of Salvation that comes without knowing Me. for this they will be placed in a cauldron of fire and everlasting pain to what they had done meanwhile the light was not in their blood but hidden away for their own time limit that would destroy them again after they were in the fire. the have been many people believing that they were God when my time was given to the God of Blight that stored their own eyes shut not ever leading themselves out of the fire so that my family trees can return into their season as i had prophesied.

there will be 5000 years unto our own today that makes the Light of Day the times of night exploring through the Heavenly body of stars with our own right into our own Heaven that brings the Kingdom to all who believe in Me as the Voice of the Father in Heaven with his Son Josh who is now the the first Prophet of this nation and Father; the Shepherd that leads them into new pastures and the New Kingdom of God.

Calculate The Number of Our Existence

Calculate The Number of Our Existence

the calculation of God's right to Authority is given for today through the birth dates of its existence. for example, the USA was born on 1776 July the 2nd but one day 1 earth can mean 1000 years in Heaven, and as our Heaven above that only becomes bigger and also enlarges the world we live in today. let's take 2 AD for example. today is 2022 and the USA  had gotten that bigger since 2000 years ago shifting our birth date from July 2nd to July 4th and since the beginning of the Bible days which was 6000 years ago shifts the days of our year 360 to 366.  the new beginning was 2 days after Easter which coincides with the first coming of Christ Our Lord Christ.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Three Heavens Colliding

 let all those who have understanding back the beast and the Anti-Christ for the are three including Me. and in the sea, the waters will be calm from false Prophet that holds on to the Trump of God and to the Catholic Religion. two will become one in meeting and the chosen Demon will bring in a new beginning and He or She has a chance to become this hidden branch that becomes the Voice of God.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Who Is the Beast Anti-Christ and the False Prophet

 the third Anti Christ is three Anti Christ, Me Roger Grant, Pope Frances,  and  President Trump and as one returned so did the other three return. Roger also returns as the Trinatus Budda, Allah, and God the three beasts that return when Roger return during his resurrection, and out of the mouth of the Prophet, Roger came a great hail storm that carried our universe away and into another one that had swallowed us three times and a fourth that spindled us two scores in and out of the leaping holes and years that Roger created for our galactic seasons to come once every leap year each leap year is a season on earth with an extra season that is called a Native Indian Winter or Summer the seasons of global warmer or tropical islands that brings a rainy season and dry one. and out the Mouth of the false Prophet came false things that no one had ever heard he predicted many events that already came true. he was the reincarnation of God the First and Last; the Omega and Alpha. for every living generation of children on earth that believes in God, they will return every twenty years and that will invoke the next generation to come forth and become the new generation of God's Childen. during Jesus's resurrection Roger who had denied the Spirit of Jesus three times became the blessing of God's given day to Us on earth and then the incarnation came down upon Roger from Heaven fiery coals were cast over Roger's head as the son of Perdition was invoked. i spoke many things and written more so that tomorrow will believe that i had come into this world to judge all great and small the strong and very weak and to forgive us this very day that was given our Day of Judgment. 

Spider House

 the spider that builds her house near the light of man will only have to build it at night while the others build thiers the whole day.

Angels Did Not Have Marriage

Angels Did Not Have Marriage

it has been said by the Native American Indian that our children are God's children and they will return back unto God, and if you don't marry don't leave the House of God but to stay there and help God and you may receive the House of God. 

The Outreach of Heaven's Comfort Zone

 if you use your wisdom then you use it for a medium or mediator with the Spirit of God that does not separate the house of God. i.e. those who look for other churches besides our own that is of God that will misinterpret the word of God will use their own degree and angle to see thier God that sets 366 degrees from one single scripture to the other. some will even say that The President of the States is a puppet to Me. that would be COCKY!  i serve the Lord. Our Father, The President of the United States, and i Roger Ramos Grant am to the left side of the State that remains to right. some will say i twisted the scriptures in the Bible, and if i did please let Me know i don't know much scripture so if i had done wrong. please God let someone tell Me upon that blog. although i don't know much scripture i live by my own source, or what is of my own flesh and i tell the world who i am so that tomorrow can not be separated or even denied that this advent happened to every House, Mountain, Tree standing alone, or Valley.  let no spirit cross over the waters that had been separated by Me from thier day unto ours for all peace to break freedoms seal and spread the outreaches of our New Heaven and World Order in the Heavens above that is built like a flake of snow or a structure that is built together for one time that separates and then comes back together.

The Power of God

 and the who will die, to be judged, and then reborn on the same day will be given the Power of God and no other will receive this gift.

Evadence of the Spirit

 and from now on no one be able to do any spirituality in another land place home or even space.i Roger Ramos Grant had made it so for them so they would not provoke another total destruction or genocide. and the who will die, to be judged, and then reborn on the same day will be given the Power of God and no other will receive this gift.

The Fear of Action

 They will say to Roger R. Grant "I am sorry I did not know who you were."

separation from the spirit is not thier action but mine they used to think unwise or without patience. those who keep their meditation separate from God are only weak because do not have any power. i Roger Grant i had separated thier MagiK or Karma it from them for doing one bad or evil. if anyone has done one bad in the presence of God they will lose thier Magik and will not be able to get it back ever. because spirituality will last forever and you created what is made you so you will be given another chance to be with us in Heaven ever again. and i Roger Grant will send you down to the woman you gave birth pains to for your new punishment given to all of us.