Monday, August 8, 2022

Earthly Day

 the day of Capricorn and Cancer is 365,000 thousand years in Heaven and the equal eastern portal or Morning Star is the equation of two sides in Heaven. on earth, this is a whole light year.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

The First Heaven On Earth

the Heaven opened and gave a child and this child was called the Heavenly and the The Elect of God called the child Roger and he came forth after i given God my promise to the Church as a born Catholic. and 30 years ago t i have taken the Sacred Secret  that must be given a time for the first fruit of Heaven to become my Master and my Master become the Pope who is Francis the Father of Heaven. i Roger began when i was 23, and now the day that had taught Me is given to the Heaven's and Heaven that opened up as i would honor the First Priest of the Catholic region that returns as a Jesuit and then i heard the voice of God speaking and then their eyes had open to know who were there when i was being disciplined. when commune in the Spirit i will face to the East to speak to Heaven's Highest Counsel that had given to the Chosen One the Power of God that makes Heaven as we created Heaven on Earth; the Heavens of Heaven. and in the same Day of Caesar's appointment i Grant these who are equal to God understanding and all the wisdom that was given to Me as the Earth's treasurer that held the sacred knowledge of All the lost Gold on  Earth that was given to Me so that i would give to the only cause that makes total since that i should give the  TRUE GOLD of the Heavenly people called the Anasazi who has given their gold for our rescue for them in the White House and for what was hidden shall be reveal, a sign will be given to where the Cavern of Arizona stars and will lead to a great cavern that leads under the Patagonian Mountains and into the fourth Heaven as i had given to Mexico in this way the new day of Heaven returned. and all the Gold is under the ground where the true wealth of our own body in stake lies under the mountain. and for our President's ransom the very Gold that was lost and never recovered by its owner. and the hand of God protects this treasure of  the Anasazi that had remained loyal to God and to Heaven's rain that was given to you who are in us so that God of All Heavens would take us with Them tomorrow. the Lord is able and thankful to All my people on earth as it is in the Heaves above so shall our be the wealth that holds every good thing together and and to peace for my own life to be its ransom and the weight that is measured for one Kingdom to be its own measure and balance was given to flesh and the blood of life to be given for rice and the soft fry bread that the culture of All nations may be given this blessing that hold freedom to our Elect and to that day that we All returned for in creation as the saved of Heaven wealth so shall this heal the world and its own time for its own sign. and in Heaven a rainbow will be placed in west and it will bend unto our own cave outside of Phoenix A.Z. this rainbow crosses over to the south and bend towards the Gate of Mexico that sets the bow to heaven above before it speaks in Heaven again taken for the light of one day that was found for all to remain last, for the first which is Mexico and Pope Francis made all the amendment to the laws of God for this day to be administered by Angels who were All ready and counted for this day the is the multitude All Angles at fruit of God's tree where we start from; the Tree of Truth . that was knocked down in the iron forest of God's garden and after the war Spirituality was over that had won for the true Heaven and Home that is given sanction. and God spoke and these i will comfort you with to see your enemies fall to their knees asking for their time to be preciously in line to its own bridge that covers the universe and those who fought Me will not see death because they did not know the time was short and their time was given to rest under the earth for 2 an 1 million years to be given in order to those who tried to kill us and this world they will be tormented from head unto the toes and the worm will borrow in their caskets and devours them even when they awakened during this awful ordeal that they deserved, for they could not even say sorry! and now i tell you that Heaven has been given this great wealth for All to remember God's promise.

The of Meaning of Purpose

this day is given for success and trust between the  40 corner that given the wine of Heaven back to is night and let it comfort stomach for they become our hearts heart done through the last spirit of Heaven that wears the gown of stars that gather unto today for every purpose that give to our whisper the breaking of glass and for Her last marriage time was given to still and to given unto the meaning of God's greater garden that is set on fire to bring back the dead and make a time for a bigger trust. that they made into a newer garden that gathers under the sun the knowledge of understanding and wisdom for every pearl 10,000 years that pull away and now can found on the ground in grave rising above Her daylight with Her soul facing our way four hundred days before each time upon the Heaven below that knows no end and the four corners of time yields the voice of many females that had risen out of Hell as the fallen stars of one corner upon ten steps and then ten more steps everywhere for this that our the children take and give back unto a good field ready tomorrow and for God's Passover God the four corners.

First Name is God

"and day represents an early start for its burden to be broken and changed under every circumstance that heals my heal and its protection i will bleed in bleed for one day we will be free," said Anton Deville Szandor LaVey and if we had given in to them would never have quit and in advance, the change is everything that heaven heals within 2 days and will not consider a will of a time against, for every people the heaven will unite everybody for one that means God.

Friday, August 5, 2022

To Heaven my Mothers

 Karen is in Heaven and they were visitors from Heaven who thought themselves to be angles and God's chosen so then they attacked Roger's wife and controlled Her when she slapped him while they were having sex said, my wife and  Mother Lindsey. 

The Return of Carolyn Grant

turn your head and kiss me for every anger that i gave you. i see you in a gown and you happy and we become married i will release us together in the Fires of Hell where a man sees nothing but torment but then he receives a whimper from Pope Francis saying Carolyn will go to Hell with you alone and my heart ran from pain and never have i been applied my heart to someone but to Her, my Great Mother Tiamat who will be my wife forever and God will watch over us today as it will be forever and ever. 

Word of God and Marriage

 just because the Bible does not agree with something or someones else's writing does mean that it ain't true, they are some people who see things in thier way, and just because he wasn't the same author does not mean that His testimony was not valid. An Angel of God is a Son of God and the Sons of God are Angels. do not get Me wrong because some Christians believe only in the Bible that fulfills thier very life is a greater good. but like every being that opens thier eyes will see an Angel that looks like a Spirit. but Angels can have flesh like the Spirit of  God that becomes Us in the Spirit of Flesh by the Word of God that can manifest into any being or form of being that can not change the truth or the Word of God but through Me Roger.  i had hardened your hearts and placed you in the darkness for a time that can never remain unopen until i open it. to have true spiritual bonds with God you can not take what was natural away from Him or Her to gather fruits of the harvest, but you who fight the spirit and had never had the spirit or you see 360 degrees and at every angle of one eye. and just because we never knew your gospel shall it be the one we were looking for the one that changes the Word of God against Me? or did God become a lost sheep when you were its Shepherd? it's been said that some stop worshipping god because they die just like we die or they never shared the gospel of Christ but of the first God that came down in human form as Sons of Men looking for Daughters of God to eat, drink, and be married. and as, Me it is hard to take a wife when you are serving God. it was said that Jesus Christ got married. and i did get married, but i continued to dwell in the spirit, and in a lifetime i had three divorces and in the Quran, men can only get three divorces. and every religion around the world there is a woman that has lost five husbands. so the lady became womanly and made Her House to that man who would be there for Her tomorrow. it has been said which one of these men would marry this woman in Heaven after the resurrection from the earth. she will be rich and will have to buy a husband and in Her mind, she wonders if he will be good or bad. and she gave birth while in Heaven to five angels that were born of the Spirit in Heaven. and when they had given the trust to Heaven the gates will open and close behind them after returning to our realm that has given Roger the seeds of Carolyn to the earth, and the earth to the Heavenly Body of Christ to Whom she stays married with and enters into the Fires of Hell beside Her Man who is the Father of Heaven as she becomes the Mother of All Heavens. not every book is written by the same Arthur of God's message because everyone had their own message from God.

Angels Did Not Have Marriage

it has been said by the Native American Indian that our children are God's children and they will return back unto God, and if you don't marry don't leave the House of God but to stay there and help God and you may receive the House of God.

Rank in Heaven

the Arch of the Convenient meant two High Angels that fought together when there was no Heaven to be found on earth. they became the hand of God as i Roger Grant am today. but i consider myself to be equal to everybody in Heaven and to those who are true to themselves. because God is not greater or lesser than anybody.

the rank in Heaven is older first than the youth. just as it is on earth so shall it be in Heaven. treat elders with respect and never with poor kindness. i know some Angels look young underneath their skin, but there is an old man waiting to get out.

Saint Lazarus the Keeper of Souls

 who knows that the day will come knocking at your door by the hand of Saint Lazarus the keeper of souls in Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell.

Angels of Death

 the Angel of Death is God themselves that was given within the hour of they coming. and those who can not hear God became lost never knowing that Image was God's mark and creation to its own right hand that set a third part of the day to death and a another third part of Heaven to God's greatness that was given to Us on earth that had died in the name of God that comes from grace and not a race. a third part of the Heavens above died from hiding away from the Lord Our God who is Image of God on Earth and the multitudes of people from All different races on Hearth that spoke many languages through the Image of God who is, was, and is yet to come in the fourth hour of our day light taken from the death of our earthly grave that cleansed them by the blood of Our Lamb that poured out onto 1/3 of  the rivers on earth and made them bleed as the air touched the wine that was saved for the last to return and to everyone that drank the Blood of the Lamb had died and also did the inhabitants of this earth for that day is near and the time SHORT.