Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Spiritual Blessing From Above

 for 1000 years will God give us Her blessing and no other blessing is given before the last. the first fruits of our garden must open in the ground of dirt so that we could never be formed from the mud of this earth unless it would harden like clay. and everything that we were formed from became the Words of God and our promise for today at hand. where we the people of the Human Race were created from something that we would hold the Words of God in or on just in case we all should perish.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The New Third Order

 since i became the Dawn of Man i became the heart of its human kind that holds up all the animals, beasts, creatures, and time divided that broke forth the Angels of Heaven both Serafin and Shaman there are the light of this that holds the day away from the inhabitants of the is world that made the lights come together as a quirk or sprite be seen above and from the land rising out of this desert YELL saying the "light is dawn" and the green eyed people will be pale faced and given the last right to China and let them become a KaChina. and from the East came out of the mountains like waters were the white men who were formed from the white tops of their mountains where Oympia and Tacoma become one in Nineveh where the northern gods of giants broke forth the night and three days that held the world to its own manna the fuel that we reap when we sow seeds of plenty. and sky turn black as the day grew a third of Heaven within one night of hope to clothe these people in sack clothe, but the time could not measure the outcome of Hope that needs light and darkness. so that is when Roger shows the Spirit of Darkness when the Voice was clear and the morning awakening was two days a head and the last day approached (LATTER DAYS) and never was set from above but from below by Roger Grant the False Prophet and i heard another YELL from two rebels that never sold their son but bought many possessions that Roger would apply to Heaven for the second coming that was also the first return and resurrection of one dimension. the CREATURE of Heaven that YELL out the prophecies of God that Roger had predicted. and the first Angel became a Prophet and then a Healer for this Staff of inheritance that i gave Moses the brother of Arron. and now one will be sold from the south as a slave and the time was taken from that man. who was Roger, Richmond, and Richard the Kings of this Earth and the Kings of Heaven. placed on a door step that never needed another baby that was anointed but a good worker who brought forth a good amount of inheritance to its people and now He is persecuted again because of hearts that never could find themselves under the dust and earth that collapsed in the mid western United States of America where sand swallowed the Mississippi banks of its river before three great claps of thunder that brought forth three days and three nights of darkness that became a sign of another one that had returned before today had return as promised. i am the Dawn of Day, the Morning Coming, with wind and rain and Hurricane. that must show the Heavens above every sign that God had prophesied before i can rest again. i am Roger Ramos Grant the destroyer of Heaven above and a creator as well to those who waited and stayed and kept the faith of our Three Wise Men that had returned to another land in God's heart, for this land given to Me as one flock, i am your Son and Grandson and these are your children as well, who you have saved us from destruction on this day that was given for plenty. and i Roger Grant made our Hell as great as it is above to be under the Four Corners of Heaven in the United States of America where the day is chosen and the world was given to its own promise of the universe that is divided for peace by the waters, valleys, and mountains that changes the Land of Promise to milk and honey.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Judgement Day of Our Lord

 when Judgement Day arrives for God you be happy because the Lord has come back to Judge those who could not do any good in the presence of God and they will be open for mistakes and the Lord makes no mistakes but changes them. and those who can not change can not enter into Heaven.

Time and Time Again

when you are interrupting we never know our place so when you try to interrupt or to know your place you could see what was there before you. and the last time you could see is the first time your left. 

Monday, August 8, 2022

The First Beginning of Life on Earth

 the times have been release and the waters run clear unto the bottom of the seas that started when the rain became a mist of God heart in tears. for he had sons and the they were evil without time and mercy. and the Sun remembered the Father was returning as the father return so did the Heavenly rain with the stars and the falling of the sky for one did not know whose garden this was but needed to find out who was with Roger the landlord of Heaven on Earth. the moon shoot speedingly to earth through a cylinder halo that came from Roger's tears that had  spread across the earth evenly until the tops of the earth were seen from above and the mountains grew bald and mysterious, for the Lord had left His place to come down unto the land of Roger's forefathers that protected the land from harms way. the moon finally got to see Her Husband and a virgin she remained before the marriage. she is the top of every mountain that gave birth to the whole world including the seas of the air and waters of the earth. they finally made love together and had many children. for this day is the day of many Heavens that past us by the way side of God's wilderness. and many did not know or understand the Lord of Heaven was Roger Grant the First God in Heaven. when the earth tilted then time made its way back to the seven Stars of Heaven where God had put them to rest for three nights for their iniquity and for the way they had treated the world out of violence. and then the world came together as it did today all the tribes of Grant, Roger and Ruben who were the first of every being given through the flesh of man. and the woman finally had Her children and every nation became a face of many smiles and laughter's that came together even today for what is long and narrow and very broad as we walk into the Gates of God's straight path that had been given for too many but only a few was chosen to receive this blessing of God's day that had surrendered to Heaven. and so the Woman did so as well in the House of Her name Carolyn who is the greater light of this world. and the first Mother in Heaven on Earth that had eaten from the dust of this earth just to see my husband die in the garden with me.

The Angels of Marriages

The Angels of Marriages

 heaven without balance is the countenance that disturbs the outer and inner heavens. two will belong to each other for the two eastern ports will collide when one comes together with preparation, and kindness, laughter, obedience, then one marriage will hold the eastern and western ports together again from our own creation we disrupted our normal bypass leaving one unstable and the other stable. two people will take this halo to give to others and to others that receive this blessing the two will come together, and France will witness the power of God of Marriage that holds three universes together once again. the two twins who are honored will accept their hand as honorees of God's marriage from who also will be begotten brothers from China to Africa to Europe and unto America when the blessing will be heard at this Trump's call with a family Compositae of Biden's enter from the west the blessing occurs at the hand of a Witch who Mothers to Heaven and Below where she stays alert and aware for prey and healing before their time COMES TO RUIN MY DAY!

Separated and Unforgiven

 the living will live and the dead will die today from here on out forever. never to return with their spirit or heart that is taken from their Ancestor's garden that had principality and rivers that soothe the soul as you walk by and smell the beauty of God's roses that were held back it's awakening. let every hair deliver from their own good from the enemy that you fight day and night not knowing who God was or is but the presence of All our essence put together and if you fought Roger then you had lost everything that was given to your Heaven from before. walk without another telling you what to do because you have a bad habit of following people that don't care for God. as you made Me fight your gods they will no longer be able to uplift your anger into sudden death the death given by the evil spirit that dwells in our Church of God for time and time again. The Catholic Religion now holds the Young Dragon that destroyed many worlds that left Him behind and they had never turned back to give back what they had taken from Me a long time ago. i am Roger Grant the Destroyer of Worlds, and the Lords of Worlds, that must be placed in Hell for a short time and then let go for another day that comes at our door and knocks so that we would let them in but as soon as we do that they try separate us from our own God and House. so let be a warning that if you Separate any House of God then you will never be forgiven unless the fix what was broken mentally and physically.

The Dust of Earth

Roger Grant
you can only serve one master "i would rather you serve yourselves first before you can serve Me." for this i can create you from the dust of this earth.

Minor and Major

 this is the day of death; the day of life; the day of hope; and change that can only bring heaven back on course for one is the mega system and we are the minor system with three galaxies within this time that God had given us for this long time and journey.

The Reaction Force

 the dead are the weak and stay alive through a strong person that holds many gates of Heaven. if you feel drained quickly then stop and recite this verse for everyone near you "for the strongest must carry the thunder of Heaven when God cries out." this will happen 50,000 years from now. do not step inside the ship when i enter.  i was sent from God and the day is ours. but now do not enter. and you will hear my voice like hers in the Spirit of God," "For i am a prisoner of many retractions so one must be given this right for Roger. he is the king of kings and this system will be wiped away if no shepherd will seize this ship." said my wife Carolyn and said into my arms you will be given and will stay for this amount of time that was wasted for Me, i love you. be still, my brothers Terry and Larry Rodgers are on their way make this time secret and i will return with you.