Monday, August 8, 2022

The First Beginning of Life on Earth

 the times have been release and the waters run clear unto the bottom of the seas that started when the rain became a mist of God heart in tears. for he had sons and the they were evil without time and mercy. and the Sun remembered the Father was returning as the father return so did the Heavenly rain with the stars and the falling of the sky for one did not know whose garden this was but needed to find out who was with Roger the landlord of Heaven on Earth. the moon shoot speedingly to earth through a cylinder halo that came from Roger's tears that had  spread across the earth evenly until the tops of the earth were seen from above and the mountains grew bald and mysterious, for the Lord had left His place to come down unto the land of Roger's forefathers that protected the land from harms way. the moon finally got to see Her Husband and a virgin she remained before the marriage. she is the top of every mountain that gave birth to the whole world including the seas of the air and waters of the earth. they finally made love together and had many children. for this day is the day of many Heavens that past us by the way side of God's wilderness. and many did not know or understand the Lord of Heaven was Roger Grant the First God in Heaven. when the earth tilted then time made its way back to the seven Stars of Heaven where God had put them to rest for three nights for their iniquity and for the way they had treated the world out of violence. and then the world came together as it did today all the tribes of Grant, Roger and Ruben who were the first of every being given through the flesh of man. and the woman finally had Her children and every nation became a face of many smiles and laughter's that came together even today for what is long and narrow and very broad as we walk into the Gates of God's straight path that had been given for too many but only a few was chosen to receive this blessing of God's day that had surrendered to Heaven. and so the Woman did so as well in the House of Her name Carolyn who is the greater light of this world. and the first Mother in Heaven on Earth that had eaten from the dust of this earth just to see my husband die in the garden with me.

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