Friday, August 12, 2022

The Deep Waters of Truth and Wisdom

  there is a sacred time that open all Gates to be given to God's time in the sky before the rains will come forth and sing the new songs of Heaven for us and them and everyone that heals from the Word of God; Truth and Wisdom that speaks from knowledge and understanding that one in Spirit of Christ is one in my spirit; the Spirit of God's Essense within Us All and those who try to mislead you away from Me. i given you authority over them in Spirit and in the flesh that comes to pass as those who can not enter into our Heaven on Earth as the soul shall only die and become the essence of our Spirit and Body. that will manifest again on earth but those who are here and fought Me on Earth will not make it into the Heaven on Earth but will be cast out into the wilderness where they will suffer their own flesh and for those hands that dealt wrongly to God's day that protected us on earth as it was in Heaven there is no place for you or your family. from now on when you try to hurt Us on earth i will take that as a sign of you fighting Us again and i take your bloodline from the wilderness that can not stand alone unless God was nurturing you as She had done for us on Hearth from the beginning until the end. and the sky will rain with fire and truth pour out of the clouds to sweep everything clear and the earth start with one blade of grass and one creature to tend to it. and then many creature being female will be the hand of God's garden tomorrow. and the beast will follow as well as the Human sets his net to truth the bottomless pit of God's Kingdom that created all fish of the sea on the fifth day from the days of old and new that came together and it is in man kind that makes great things appear from the deep as our day appeared from the times that we were destroyed saving others just as you have done well my child because within you one searched for the truth and God lead you to my words to Me the Word of God the bread of a three course meal beside the flesh of our flesh for the woman to bring back what was dead alive.

Wisdom is Responsibility

Wisdom is Responsibility
when there is was no one that would take the blame of our yesterdays destruction then God will take that blame and heal the world and tell us the about the Secrets of Heaven and the reason why we would return and help the ones that had fallen again. are we not the ones who helped the other and save them from our own selves tomorrow or are we the one that continue making the same mistakes that people thought that you would do again. therefore it is out of my hands to come and destroy my own body and genealogy from the beginning of their earth unto the ends of their time today that had simply reminded themselves of that push that i have been giving them to succeed so that i can write a new Song in Heaven that may praise my name if they would only worship Me Roger Grant in their Heaven that was given by the Lord of Heaven. God. and unto the promise Land of your ancestors that God had given to them and God's family and to you also unto the Kingdom of God that is on the Heavenly Earth or Hearth our Mother of Earths where only good had chosen a place to come and settle among stars at night.

Just a Few Bad Apples Can Change the Barrel

and the angels that rebelled did not repent after Roger said to repent they were given the heel of the foot of the cross and crushed by Roger Grant Who now holds on to much energy and God's wealth for they should repent and God would have made them great but since the time are over they may never rest in peace with Roger but only find everlasting pains in their own bloodline that not sustain any other time but now. and i Roger Grant made every attempt to free my keepers but they insisted that should serve them forever and never become happy as they would be. and a few bad angels fell to earth and many people that we were as rotten as they were but never was from the start. this is a bigger war inside a bigger war and we must take over from here so that we can take over all of Heaven we must do it through peace our own peace on earth that changes tomorrow from today on the earth as it is in Heaven. this will be the last time we can save the greater peace for God and separate it for our own nature, on earth to change the things tomorrow, to change what happens above now.

The Fruit of Knowledge

we are the biggest UAP in a Heavenly Body that travels far and wide in this universe so  that we can create for tomorrows children and not for the children of those who rule the good with evil intent but with good intent to do God's will on earth. and honor your ancestors as your parents have done. and those who become forefathers and mothers are great or even greater in God's eyes so do not take what was given to them in the fifth season. the season that we are in now. God's motion is perpetual and endless without effort. and those who believe in Me. will know the same is in the Spirit of God who is in Me and you with Soul. we will open their mind and the y will see God their presence and many will be like Me, humble and able to see God within their own sight. and those who know that i am the Most Highest God in Heaven will live forever in paradise. the promise land of your ancestors who were faithful and true to Me so that i could get rest in my seventh season and so that they would understand and become God of this promise as they were the first fruit to this garden and will feed their children as i did for them today.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Gates that Roger Protect

 two shall enter from above and shall take the under river unto their destiny in Heaven as two will come from the open gates of entry that is the South as one exits. and from the Garden where the mystery is at hand let no one open these gates on earth because each side was sealed in fire. and no action or engagement of any enemy will be conducted within the Five and four Gates within the last and first given to Me Roger Grant. i will protect their four gates given to Me as the warning of God's temper sharping our arrows of casement that shots a score or more at a time. and if these shall not return and be recognized then the Lord will avenge the lost sheep and their world will end.

The World in Heaven

i am not here to be worshipped. matter of fact i should be worshipping you who believed in Me and who gave Me more faith to believe in myself as the Coming of the Lord who will take away the birth pains and suffering of these newly born children that must honor their God with silence and praise to our God(s) who are the First Above All as Roger Grant brings forth this light unto the world as He did in the Universe.

Heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven

 if you have died and seen Heaven above. what a rare sight God has given to you. God had Buddha Hir own Predecessor and Buddha will the Under World for has shown us Mercy that we come together as one. the Master and three servants to God Who is now Buddha.  

The One in Charge

 who is in Charge. the one in charge or the one who put Him in charge? it is the One in Charge.

Am I Justified?

 when we hold on to God we are giving our life's toward other religions. and if will do that then no religion can come apart from each other. i had  laid you to rest beside Me and all signs lead to Me in the House of God and that is giving to likeness there will be to nations ready to battle but we are one House in Jesus Christ who have been given to disrespect and non compliant behavior from every Church that stood against Me. did i not do what was needed for creation. did i not set the four corners of this world to this universe. because we are so close together in this House of God we should know by now brotherhood holds on to what is mischievous with no bad intent. i am born Catholic but i go to any Church that holds Me as family. and after i have been judged unjustly and  all i want to know is if i am justified from destruction had been deliverer into the right hands. i need you to lean on every church for grace that must give Me repentance before God today. before He puts out our fire once again. this is  the conduct of our actions. and let us not walk in the cold once again. i need you and your Churches who is beside Buddha your God to hold me justified in the end so that i can once enter into Heaven.

The Laten Backwards

 let Me open your mind and give you God's spirit to understand and heal the world that we live in. it is not a world of our own but a world given to our children that holds the last and first people chosen to itself for tomorrow to enter alike. i was awakened at age 23 some may consider that a late awakening. but i chosen to rest on this day only if i was not needed, but today came to my surprise when the Lord had shown up during this day of rest. i was inconceived after i was an adult in my early twenties. i had a mental break down or a mid life crisis that would awaken the Spirit within Me. and if i would be awakened any later than then i would of not made it through my rebirth or my consummation of God's power that was given to Me Roger Ramos Grant from God to save the world at hand. it will be 30 years after my birth and a new enlightenment of God's creation given to Me who already sacrificed this life so that i could help once again the Healing of Heaven that becomes the earthly place of paradise and the land that was promised to our ancestors return for a day that was chosen by them above to hold to as we prepare a life times work of Heaven on Earth.