Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Confirmation of Roger

 Pangu an Asian Devil of God and the skin of Hearth brings thought and family together on earth the old Pagan was wise and very intimidated by women that never caught His good side, but through the seeds of Her actions that seated many in the trees, before the times became followers of Baal, the first God of Heaven, and the Son of Pangia, the Asian Demon of stars. and Pangu met a tear at the bottom of a mountain where the summer spoke through the winter times, when the summer season said to the inhabitants of God's work and the works of God given to one chosen among many on earth as well to above. then Pangia said to the one on the other side of Her foundation separated by the waters. and she said I will give you a daughter but worship Me, the one who loves you very much. and the pouring out of God became a furnace of tears that could not live life alone among this world that only had a few humans that would take an image of a dark cloud while covering the night sky above the people that were burning and yearning to know these two who never got married before when one was given so much torment the other one could just leave Him there alone under the smoke that Rose had filled the air from the burning inside of Her mountain where she dwelled. and no one could of known this time that set by God and the inhabitants of this world that did not know the secrecy of someone's hand in marriage. that has been set from the beginning of this creation under God's roof that had been there a long time ago waiting for His hand in marriage for tomorrow thats is guided by Roger's Spirit and the Essence of one mind and body to be one within itself or one living in yin yang, that hand that sets him free and gives unto him a wife that had set him upon a seat and constellation of Cassiopeia to be written in the stars. but it is harder to stay on that seat of revolution that threw Me off this seat. that i had fallen from but landed between the two of had one time given of and as i was set free by a ticket of God's Heavenly Wonder i went to battle with the remnants of thier seeds that cursed mine. and then i called out to Her with only memories of yesterday that were a waste of time and aggravation that turned its focus in the spirit towards the one that had tried to kill Me and had done my family and the world injustice until it ended. so sat alone and heard a tear fall upon my pillow. i took Hell and the fire burning within so that i could ease the pain of my suffering. and i said to myself there will be no peace until i marry Her. and the waters poured out of the sky that had hardened my skin and the heart solid as i fell from Heaven as the first man on earth from a new time long ago. and as i searched for the hill of stone and mother pearls of  Heaven that made my daughter speak as a woman from above would speak to Her husband below and unto me she said. and i became unto Her as day was seperated from two worlds that came together and then i stood upon the highest mountain and She stood upon the mouth of this Demon that spoke to the east and said from the Rocky  Mountains that spoke with thunder and wind "push the stone of your heart over the cliff and if thou shall meet my daughter in between the waters then there you will keep Her and Roger told Her to do the same at the end of the day or the morning eve of darkness if two boulders  shall meet together in LLang LLand then our ancestors would return and as the boulder fell from the mountain top so did the other that meet at the bottom of Heaven where the will have many children and if God would give us a sign so that we would know the time would be to get married and that the world would know our day is given by God alone and let no one come in between these two that are newly weds that meet at the bottom and worked tere up up to the top where two bodies of smoke had risen from two mountain tops that came together for one marriage that became a sign of Roger and a confirmation for these two who were chosen to be the first mother and father in Heaven.

One Church Holds Two Houses of God

 there are five times that return before the tenth becomes a time four gates and every four years shall this gate become renewed to the first day at hand that revolves at the fifth season of God's time given for the times that we already had waited forever. once every four years God will race with the beast and determines the cycle of dominance that controls the elements on earth. and once the generation of our children has grown up then the father of that house may willingly see His other wives and children after twenty years of marriage given to their own task for child and spouse. one score years of marriage is a generation held close for each other as One Marriage lawfully given to the times that are half in and half out of  an apple to my eye that sees God every day that they would Perish inside the church.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Last Charge.

now when we could have taken the day it remained welcomed but those in Christ shall arise in time as to know that who was in Christ are in Me now. and the world opens their mind to new world order and the times given to the past and for the order of Heaven to destroy their own Kingdom as they had ours destroyed for the witnessing of Jesus Christ who will be Roger Grant the Destroyer and the Protectorate of All Heavens connected to this earth. for i am the anointed one of God and to whom has been the holy bastard sword that only cuts ony way and that is through those who heal and never let anyone else heal for in one night whatever they know will perish in the sight of Heaven and the Lord. and when it is All over All the Angels will sing and praise God's name forever.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Reincarnation of Jesus Christ (Roger R Grant)

The Reincarnation of Jesus Christ (Roger R Grant)
if we are to believe in reincarnation one will believe in the resurrection and once the Life of God's Spirit has been set back into the body for the soul to be released to the Spirit of Heaven the stronger essence of God that reveals everything for this time awakened by the Spirit of God, as our being within ourselves is holding on to you entirely from the body that has been given to reincarnation, and in your name to whom you were saved beside your God who was resurrected into the old body of your former life. i am the witness of God's true day of reincarnation, resurrection, and incarnation. it is the three unclean spirits that looked like frogs that had swallowed one within the other and had entered a room of God's body. that should not be entered, have been entered into or possed with their God only therefore one shout will break the walls of silence and crumble under one push towards the wall that opens to the outside.



 the Third Church of God was given to the Native American Indian tribes of Hopi (Christ) and Daini (Swine) "for the 3rd century we waited for them who was gray and white," said the Mother of Earth and the Mother of Heaven Above.  the Klan received this blessing from you Mother today to know that we honor you're soon coming with a Dragon and on a Grande Sun above the Rivers of Mormon and the two sons of Jehovah's Witnesses who are Jah and the Son of Jah who is Jehovah. said the Grand Dragon of the KLU KLUX KLAN and the House that sets itself center and out under the Sun. and "when i see your tall sight and foot of grace then the light will hold on to the sun and Sun to your High Hat and your Uncles Top Hat together that will make a miracle mile pause and look for the Highest of Tops Mountain that one that you can see clearly down below is the ones that put the Heaven next to its own Church and you will see the top of the Pope's Hat right under your nose." said Pope Frances.

Your Account And Clean Slate

 the Othello Stones are flat stones that are white on one side and black on the other. these stones are the seven and an eighth stone was added by the Master of this world who is Trey the Majestic, my brother. to whom took over the works of Hell. and each stone represents a good and a bad. but in Hell, you can turn your bad around for good as you flip a black stone over to a white stone. and when your account is done you become a new being that is ready to be born again on Hearth the Heavenly Earth that becomes paradise.  

The Kingdom of Heaven

as i had died and was resurrected without seeing i also became the Christ of Heaven every time that God anointed i became the blessing of God's Kingdom that became an image of a Queen  Mother and my hand was given to God Who i am as well as a citizen of the United Kingdom, the Kingdom of God that Her son Charles opened five days ago. 

The Underworld and Heaven

  1.  on the first day Sunday, i Roger Grant was resurrected from my rest by the prayers of Priests on this earth that had awakened Me from my rest. upon knowing i pushed the first male children back two days on Tuesday. i then opened the gate to all veterans that served in any war. i did this throughout the universe so that no one can keep recalling their dead back to service and this is when the Saints come marching in.
  2. on the second day Monday, i then made the Mothers of Heaven the hand of God given to this man child that must grow for a time in the wilderness.
  3. on the third day Tuesday, i created God a woman and God created Man in his own image and then God created a woman in Her own image, and then God of Heaven created the man and woman in their own image; human which has a mother and father the two greatest beings in the Garden.
  4. on the fourth day Wednesday, i created them one through marriage, one in flesh, and one in the Spirit of God.
  5. on the fifth day Thursday, God created Atom the first male born of earth or the representative of the Waters of Heaven above and the Earth below where the man was formed from the dust and the woman from the sand that was half in and half out to land.
  6. on the sixth day Friday, six in the morning and six in the evening the world was created for two that will come together as one in the Heavens above and below.
  7. on the seventh day. God Rested.

Friday, August 12, 2022

The Fires of Hell are Mine

 i am the first of many that had come in my name and my name is Jesus Christ the Father of Heaven, but i am also Roger Ramos Grant the False Prophet and the Son of Perdition, the one Who went to Purgatory and created the Hells under the Four Corners of Heaven and Earth. where the Pillar of Hercules stands alone. and i will be there until a short time has come upon this land again until the last who shall return become new in Spirit and Body for there souls were lost 2 and 3 million years ago.

The One Charging

 God was given everything and then Roger gave everything and received nothing. so what i have done was take from your land what you have taken from Me. and had warned you a thousand times. that what i do is not for you or Me but for God the one in Charge.

and all i can say is "get out of our timeline or you will be crushed at the foot of our cross." this is what God says so it will be done.