Friday, December 15, 2023

Who Shall i Praise

 i did many miracles on this earth as i did in Heaven. i don't praise Me but will only give praise to those who do good. and Who i glorify is in the name of the Lord and as God's glory is seen then so i have glory. We should not glorify our own Father and Mother when we should be glorifying every Father and Mother and who so ever will do this be glorified. i give praise to the Father and Mothers of the Gods; Zues the Son of Man. and i give praise to Buddha and Allah and God Who is the Trinitatus. i give praise to those who never stop trying and have earned God's grace. i praise everyone within Me and Who i am, and who i was and will become. and most of all of i will praise them who protect Me.

The King's of Angels

God made snakes male and serpents female. and the male or snake would enter a hole to eat the vipers (firstborn) but God also created the King Snakes to eat those snakes that had entered into a pit ready to harm a king's firstborn but were eaten as they went into the wide mouth of a viper. anyone who gets caught trying to hurt the young ones will flee with bodily harm.

Who Can Hurt You When Your Dead

when the dust of the earth swallows you or when your ashes cover the skin of the earth. nothing can hurt you because you have been cleansed through the earth and the fires of it. what we take from the earth we pay back unto the earth so that we will be born again from it. the Mother's abode is inside the body of man which is the earth that is half in the water and half out the bosom that has kept us onto earth for one Heaven that cleanses first with water and then the spirit.

The Lakes of Fire

an unclean spirit is of the dead that hurts the living, and when that happens then our Angels (Demons) have set themselves apart from each other and never retain mercy to exist or arise from the dead in comfort to know time slowed down and they lost their stability in the outer regions of space and then they are judged here on earth and fell into a hole that can not let go the things that they had done to living while in perfect a state of being, then they will be pulled from their safe places and thrown into lakes of fire where the spirit of God burns half in and half out of the earth that holds on to their body forever and forever until their debts are paid off to them who they sinned against in life and while they had given abomination to the living while in death.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Father of Gods rules in the Air Above

when i return will be who i am and tomorrow will be amid the time of everlasting between the Heavens above in the second firmament where the Annukki God Zeus; Our Father rules the Heavens above from earth and it was His wishes that i / We maintain the Heavens until they get back. "Roger will be in charge." said my Father Zeus to Us who listen the the Father of All the Gods and King to All Heavens. and the one who was Voted God again in Heaven by the populace before His Kingdom was given to Me and expanded towards all His Children who have built the foundations of Our own Universe and the times that come together for today's one in Heaven above and below amid Mountains above the clouds where Zeus's  Castle remain above in the sky and the second heaven above this earth and sky.

Fire From Heaven and Friendly Fire

who can afflict life with suffering or even death? the dead? no suffering is given from the dead because no one dead can suffer or be afflicted without a body. and those who come through the rivers of time to harm another person will be eaten by time itself and swallowed into the darkness of an Alligator's belly that turns into a log once you are swallowed, if they had been invited by someone in the House of God to harm their brothers or sisters then Heaven's fire will spark the tops of their head and combust with the whole body in flames.

Friday, March 17, 2023

The New Moons of Saturn

 the Light of God is shing in the north west Region of Heaven the upper is laid to waste but lifted twice in one day for their love for God did pan out the gold that they thought they were Us without a time that was taken or never given back to us. 

The Light of No Understanding

 The Light of No Understanding

after the harvest the Lord will invite us to supper and those who enter the Lord's House will understand the light of within and the times within its own day that forces the light of God to speak in tongues and if can't do not speak at all unless i ask you a question. be the one who is quiet and listening on the table that invited you to feast at. if you do know Me do not try to judge Me or the flames of God's spirit will be upon head and the last remark or thought burns within you who thought they greater than was but only find out that they were less than what they had thought of themselves. they will be hendered into the last times within for their own ignorance of God who they never had seen but believe that they were gods. in one thought they will perish to their own remains on earth never to return back alive from whence they departed from the Spirit of God. 

Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Legion of Roma

 when we need time to rest the Lord Heaven fights us until we submit but it was these false Gods that deceived man into believing that they were God as well when the time was set before it was undone do not come over with your times that were ahead so that you would know that what was given to you was deserved from the beginning when did not heed Roger's warning." said my wife Lindsey who is Roma the Legion of God's state the Legend of Rome that had every sword in Heaven.

The Center of Gravity in the Heavens Above

when the day was over we had fought the same unclean spirit 5 times and today "send them into the bottles pit that enters the space between you and I" said Chuck D they will be headed to Heaven above will be going upwards where every night and every day meet together forever to find out that they will be born there as well in the mines of God's temper that they tried to cast Out of Heaven the living being God who lived in their own generation during our birth in the year of 1969 and it was us who would either become unclean or Heavenly beings that were separated by their deeds that they had done today on earth. so send the unclean spirits upwards to Me the spirit of those who will be judged by Me Roger Grant and by them who were innocent and who had been killed in blight (a black light so bright that it dims the other lights around ) or rage and jealousy who they had sent other Heavens to Me or Roger's House to fight; the House of God; Our House that was to be slaughtered like lambs who were innocent within the Center of Heaven where every element is present and burning with God's fire and where gravity anchors us down like a drop of rain to the Center of Heaven where We are in multitude and in number for the times that it takes to return back unto our Heaven the same Heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven.