the Light of God is shing in the north west Region of Heaven the upper is laid to waste but lifted twice in one day for their love for God did pan out the gold that they thought they were Us without a time that was taken or never given back to us.
Warning!!! to all who know knowledge let death be your oath of spiritual understanding to be its own reward and righteousness in the Spirit of God that places All creations at one time in one Spirit of God that opens your heart for others and then for yourself who must sacrifice themselves to be Priests, Sorcerers or Magicians that do the will of God that holds all things perfect in their eyes. and if you read from this book you may die from it. for the Lord is thy Shepherd.
Friday, March 17, 2023
The Light of No Understanding
The Light of No Understanding
after the harvest the Lord will invite us to supper and those who enter the Lord's House will understand the light of within and the times within its own day that forces the light of God to speak in tongues and if can't do not speak at all unless i ask you a question. be the one who is quiet and listening on the table that invited you to feast at. if you do know Me do not try to judge Me or the flames of God's spirit will be upon head and the last remark or thought burns within you who thought they greater than was but only find out that they were less than what they had thought of themselves. they will be hendered into the last times within for their own ignorance of God who they never had seen but believe that they were gods. in one thought they will perish to their own remains on earth never to return back alive from whence they departed from the Spirit of God.Saturday, March 11, 2023
The Legion of Roma
when we need time to rest the Lord Heaven fights us until we submit but it was these false Gods that deceived man into believing that they were God as well when the time was set before it was undone do not come over with your times that were ahead so that you would know that what was given to you was deserved from the beginning when did not heed Roger's warning." said my wife Lindsey who is Roma the Legion of God's state the Legend of Rome that had every sword in Heaven.
The Center of Gravity in the Heavens Above
Monday, January 23, 2023
Tribulations: Tribulation to Death
Thursday, November 24, 2022
The Serpents Pit
stay strong and exercise in the Spirit of God that dwells in you who know that the time has come for us depart our own way and where i go i am the tormentor of those who thought they were special and never had to discipline their own children i as do today down in Hell where they will keep falling in deep sleep a never ending nightmare that keeps dragging you down, never ending torment a place you who have judged God's children will be place in fiery pot that keeps on turning inside burning. and those who have curse God's seed will have to face Me Roger Grant for hurting my seeds and to face what was God's death and fire mixed in a deep pit with 40 Serpents that no one can get out of and in there they will die and be forgotten and will lose their free will with all their saints who fight with the Angels of Self Destruction until they are accountable for their works on earth, and they will pay every penny back with blood. for the blood of saints and the blood of their own kin that will be mingled with the blood of their enemies that must fill up the earth with their blood until they die completely and after they finish their account with us on earth.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Tomorrow on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Friday, September 16, 2022
The Dead Can Not Ask For Forgiveness
Hell is your echo imprint and the times that you had given to God without knowing who God was and who honors all but those who do honor themselves by killing thier own tree. and they know what they must go through is impurity the part of the judgment that contacts the dead and the living at one time so that they will be persecuted by their own peers or by the ones who hold to them the same action to what they had done in this lifetime to them who were living. and the one who is impure must suffer what they had done in this life time if they do not fall into the hands of God's law (Judicial Law) then those who are going through impurity will suffer in this lifetime the intensity of what they had others suffer before they had died and before they were taken to a worse place. no heaven can be given to any impure spirit before they are given into the hands of the dead.
Friday, September 9, 2022
Your Agreement
Your Rights to Heaven
what you do in your spiritual life will last forever even in your next life. stop meddling with powers that you can never control. we just are just as the dust is in the wind that can not stop its tempest that carries you away into the afterlife to die in the fires of Hell. and what wrong you do in your physical past life can only hurt your past life. i.e. someone who matures and grows up can only suffer their past life when they were a child growing up because your physical does carry on into the next life after death.
The Watchers of Good and Evil
spirituality is like a fire that can not be put out nor can be used against good people. by doing that you curse everything beside you even your children. do not take this lightly or the fire will come upon you can consume every good thing within and leave you passed with no body, mind, or soul.
The Spiritual Agreement
too many people have died because of spiritual practice that sets the mind free from damnation and the spirit free as well. but those who try to enslave people for thier their own will collapse in front of the Angels that make mighty people fumble and crumble underneath those who they try to make thier servant. i will confirm the actions of those who are spiritual and keep a watch on them who try to change the Lord's work into thier own hands that are cut off from Heaven or reaching anywhere else before they finish thier account with us in Hell. treat what is not of yours with kindness and respect or the Lord will pay you a visit before you die in the hands of those you try to control.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
The Good In Heaven
The Fire of God Upon You
did you know that good people are paying the price of those that will fight against the false prophet and lose all that they had been given because they did not know Roger Grant who had Judged the universe innocent on Judgment Day.. the day of the Lord's redemption that all shall be Judged not guilty of sin but to your own suffering that has lead you into spiritual torment, for i have come to do only good in the Eyes of God and you pressure Me into doing something that i could never let you do after i had saved this world more than 12 times, and i will burn your flesh from the time that Hell is given to Me, against Me, and for Me. and as i said before this is not my or your Heaven, so you will have to Kill Me before you can take it away from them who it belongs to.