Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Serpents Pit

 stay strong and exercise in the Spirit of God that dwells in you who know that the time has come for us depart our own way and where i go i am the tormentor of those who thought they were special and never had to discipline their own children i as do today down in Hell where they will keep falling in deep sleep a never ending nightmare that keeps dragging you down, never ending torment a place you who have judged God's children will be place in fiery pot that keeps on turning inside burning. and those who have curse God's seed will have to face Me Roger Grant for hurting my seeds and to face what was God's death and fire mixed in a deep pit with 40 Serpents that no one can get out of and in there they will die and be forgotten and will lose their free will with all their saints who fight with the Angels of Self Destruction until they are accountable for their works on earth, and they will pay every penny back with blood. for the blood of saints and the blood of their own kin that will be mingled with the blood of their enemies that must fill up the earth with their blood until they die completely and after they finish their account with us on earth. 

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