Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Passover and Transcending of Heaven

"The Branch of Roger's tree consists of  Heaven given to the next country that owns this key to Heaven and Hell that we had for you today." said the Queen Mother. "and i who was born in England will prosper in time but today is our day in Hell for the times that they put in it. said Elon. we who hold you're under our boot will crush the enemy tonight under our heal and cornerstone that crushed open the victor of France that made the Heavens English and France to whom they are their brothers of the same culture and the family of Charlamin the highest time in History to Europe and to the Heaven above in that day to us again today. we are a people that hold diversity through its own accord and those who hear Me also hear who was, who is, and who will be England and France once again as the Mother and Father of Europe for i am obliged to be a part of one's family that never failed us in American but i am in love with this what is our country of the Native American who has kept every Grandchild up today as a result of yesterday. so today i Roger Grant has given every back the way it was then as the Kingdom of Heaven Above today can now be complete, for one day we will all know why we were chosen among the Gods because they trusted us and we shall trust them who has trusted us. Amen

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