Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Fifth and Fourth World

 i saw three lights hover over a tree that had five mushrooms and the five times that gave to the other was a representation of each garden already in place for its time, and the Lord Me said to the World "i give five days and all i get is nothing and i said your lucky that you're my children. or i would take everything back from us today and give it to your children tomorrow. four out of the five mushrooms were destroyed but one was left under debris.

Prayers To Heaven

 pray to the North where the last generation speaks and to the East where there is the Elect of God and the Five Churches speak to you. and to the South where the new Heaven will be placed where the next generation will speak to you. and finally to the West the return of the next generation to come.

Queen Mothers

 in the Vision, i see where Heaven becomes a mist rising from its foundations that were walked upon as the waters of truth. and the people i saw in the mist were Mrs. President and Her Mister. i also saw the My Great Queen Mother waving at Me and waving back at Me.

No More Suffering

 a sacrafice is never wasted on infidelity. and i sacrifice to your suffering then there shall be no more suffering. for i had suffered enough for tomorrow not to.

Daemon Seed of Heaven


10% of our population died for a time of spiritual practices. that's why i Roger Grant (Daemon Seed of Heaven fight with Zeus in the EVENING and on the EVENING LINE @ 18:00 or 6:00 pm. the Continental Divide is the EVENING LINE.

The Tree of Truth and Wisdom

the Light of Heaven is the knowing and understanding of everything new. and what i Roger Grant have given to you let no other person take it away. i give you the Tree of Knowledge when you never knew Truth or Wisdom but only righteousness that comes without knowing yourself leaving yourself open to the same old people that judge you alike. if you would take from one tree and should someone else take of that tree then you would be a complete family from one tree, there is a Tree of Truth, a Tree of Wisdom, a Tree of Knowledge (Life) is a hybrid tree of Truth and Wisdom, and a Tree of Righteousness (Death). this is one of the branches that come together under a canopy that holds the Mother of Branches standing upward as Serpent outreaching for the Light of Heaven on the Tree of Truth that is half in and half out of the dust that we belong to, and as Truth be above so Wisdom will be below eating the dust of her own children before they give birth to this earth once more time in the fifth season that brings forth an ancestor on the fifth for the sixth and the sabbath day that stays close together and forgiving so that those who found peace can rest.

P.S. the tree of righteousness is a hybrid of a tree without truth and wisdom i.e. (idioms and anger)

Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Fruits of Markets

 to the last of this that holds memory about the times we remember. i have prepared a place for you in Heaven and on earth for the good fruit that must return as the Goods of God the merchant that holds the last of their kind and gives it out for free so that those who are in need will be thankful for the things that God has given.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Flock of Heaven

the sheep are of the Heavenly night sky that flocks together underneath a midnight star always moving the stars out west to the plains of the Desert sand so that they could graze in between New Mexico and Arizona as they follow their Shepheard who is the Sun and high noon or during the zenith back to once where they belonged.

The Center of the Garden

 First, in the beginning, the year was 2017 two days after Easter there was the Word and Roger was the Word of God. and we created the Heavens above and the Heavens created us who was the Light of God. and who are the multitude of waters that speak in the Spirit of Grant. and who said the light was good. and God's creation was set in the Center of this Garden between Heaven and Hell. and do not eat of IT Roger Said. only eat the flesh of the Gardener Who tends this Garden of  Truth and Wisdom for the knowledge that They give to Us when They Speak the Word of God. and the first fives days had past and i awakened and was incarnated, resurrected, and reincarnated.  

God's Divinity


The Past, Present, and Future

Trinity and Divinity

 Trinity: is the first of many types of magic that combine the spirit and the Lord of Lords to flesh and that had walked in Me for many years that i had walked in the trinity that was given as a helper of God's Spirit (ESP) it is called the Trinity and as we walked in three dimensions the spirit of will be with you in three dimensions. it is named after the Spirit of God in the Catholic religion.

A Sign of God

when the window is seen through a man then i will open the curtains and reveal all that nature revealed to Me. in the morning i Roger had seen a column of two ants, one going south and one going north a line for two different kinds of ants that would fight each other if the Lord had not sent Me this sign. and at the end of both lines, there was a line of birds at beginning of each line where the bird was plucking up every ant in order, as they marched right into the bird's mouth that was pecking them up into the belly of what is never empty but filled with its own flesh on fire

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Unclean Spiritual Battle

 The Rock is the building block of our Church might whats was said for tomorrow can never be undone for the ones who are wicked will enter into a tomb of misery and file themselves down to the bone. they will use their spiritual attacks to hurt people and make them say things that they ought not to say. i will place these in that cave and roll the tomb door closed and they suffocate the way they had many die not knowing that they were inhabited by unclean spirits that didn't even know what to do except kill themselves when i gave them a chance to heal themselves let dig deep and let them enter that pit once again.

The Sweet Smell of Sage

 the cocktail is the flight and head of man than an iron that had a slit for its eyes that can see anything but his greatness that blows fire up into heaven call out God in his own image that was to this wondering man that is afraid to be seen but always in the background dimension to fight us because he had done no good and killed the fourth world and God tells this man that why he is hurting himself he hurts this whole planet that can not stand alone. so he gathers outside help to see his own planet destroyed because he did not receive anything that i had given to him. but he lied and destroyed what i had given to him through spiritual attacks that he and his friend would dig themselves deeper and deeper into a pit that can hold them any longer. they look for ways to distract us to listen to God and the hero that had put him into his place and now He comes into every house uninvited to harass them day and night in the privacy of thier own home. there will be no liking to what they do tomorrow so i will place them inside the last hole in the bigger hole that eats man inside and out before they were to scream and then it returns them back to thier origin form where they became what they hated the most.

God's Play House

 from underneath the heavens will one flow into the dream world and fish the last of their child but what was never seen was dominant stand they made a big mistake. Heaven had chosen Me from the beginning when the world was challenged for the rights of Heaven and before there was at the house of man Roger block all those who thought that they were greater than Me and i swept them away in the sands of time for 2 and 1 million years that pass away before we return back to earth and live here on Hearth again and the meek will be given the world. and the last and the first of Heavenly beings that preserved their Mystery for God and i Roger Grant is the only will of God between now and then so that no other can find rest until they pay their account. these are the ones that had fallen from grace and from the world so that no one can ever return back in our days. and in the days of the Prophet Muhhamad when they had appeared, they tried to confuse the Prophet but confused themselves. they said to the Prophet  "that they were playing." the Lord does not play anymore i am covered in blood and lifeless spirits seek out our pity differences to turn my day dark and gray. so i tell them finally "i will play your game." so i tell them "we play for keeps and you must have something to bargain with or i will sell your worthless ass into slavery at the marketplace for a day that you can not profit from."

The Spirit of Truth

 there are many times that we never see that started a new cycle because we have not eaten the flesh of God's sacrifice the one that has given their life for a reason. so take from this Prophet the flesh of God's Spirit that holds all content to itself. reincarnation would be hard to see if one was not reincarnated. but the ones you are eating flesh from became one in Spirit with All who became the other above and below. the two witnesses that were the same person becomes the Spirit of Truth.

The Under Root of Heaven

 i am under the Root of Heaven; the dark days that had come upon the earth. the opening of Gates that had been sealed for 3.6 million and 4 million years before a time above our own in numbers was laid to rest before the times were near and undisputed when waves of God people kept crashing down upon this Hill that brings forth the sand of each star measured alike for grains of sand represent the Children of God and with the Sons of Queens in matrimony and harmony to each Heaven and its own family with seven generations of kings above mixed with seven generations fallen from the earth. the one that has fallen will never be able to rise without a Kane or a brother that has given to them their blessing. i had wiped the curse and Blood of Kane and Able off the face of this earth so that what the honors the Mark of Kane protecting the Son of Perdition and the grave count of the enemy fallen in their grave.

The Elect of God

who are not afraid of dying are lying to themselves. every Lawyer and child will be judged accordingly and all who stand before God will perish beside each other before they could enter and the last is the first one to cry out make our way clear four the Lord has set the way and the way is clear come and see what we have done. and the way open to the past and to the future of Mankind who she made first as i made Her last. those who are in the Spirit of God will gasp, but the lord already set them in a place for them to rule, and i never gave in to those who angered the Spirit of God and i Roger Grant am the blood of the lamb the forgotten sheep, and today i rule the Heavens above with the Elect of God on Hearth.

The Elect of God is not the Elite. the Elite are people who were cursed by the enemy of today's Heaven. and the Elite are those who are handicapable and willing to learn. and most elite will become extinct in 2147 because the ones that had cursed our children's bloodline will pay this debt in the flesh as the last of this curse settles for they will be loved, or hated and placed into one home together. but the suffering of our children will pass. and those who like to hurt children would hurt the whole world altogether.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Churches of Heaven


the ability to open one's mind is the ability to know one's own actions and to know one's self and its own actions. whatever you do in life follows you and those who cant become independent will also be like those who haunt them.

The Fifth and Sixth Church
The woman and man are the symbols of Heaven that make two heartbeats as one and one foot follow the other for each hand given to Heaven She is Wisdom the Church of God and the Holy Spirit within the Trinity of the Catholic Church and man is the Father.

the Fourth Heaven
the Spiritual War of Heaven came from a timeless peace that was broken for a day in our minds that held everyone near. this was a new war that had to be fought i have been fighting this war for almost 30 years it started with a slaughter we the (good?) had lost bitterly. and the day continued and had gotten stronger for this day to come. we fought in the upper district of Heaven where we're half in and half out of this day that day under the sun that became light darkness and a flood that will happen in 359,880. i made your faith so that can believe again. and shared a spell that must keep sealed until these times. but know that i see what we were fighting for continued until this day and the enemy wanted us to destroy ourselves with religion, conspiracy theories, and spirituality that made the enemy take from the tree of righteousness. that gives birth to unclean spirits that eat from this Tree of Righteousness who is within Me the seed of Heaven that broke from the foundation of Heaven for those who take from the spirit its energy and kills our age.

to the Third Church of Heaven
the third is the first and the second that had tied a not within a group of Gods that stated for their time that they would become Grants of wines that was given to one but the other failed to enter that last time and seize the power of their mistress. the one that holds the power is not there but on the Earth of Heaven where we made our own pact to ourselves and make the heaven to All each other near and wide .and then the heavens collided and the third, fourth, and fifth came together.

the Second Church that Fell Off the Earth
there is a hidden fault that comes in one that was sorry but for all, they can never be given another chance that fills their void in an empty body that can not have energy due to their spiritual practice. it is sad to see every happy and then miserable because they thought that i was someone that they thought i would kill their own world if they didn't kill Me. there is one from the last Heaven and the from the first that was destroyed and laid to waste. they are not of our earth but of earth that ruled everyone with the whip and chain they never knew their God when they killed themselves to do the same practice that their ancestors did when they would enter people's houses and take thier strength as to tell people that they had control when they only had a death sentence by not believing in this private taboo that we feel safe in. they went as far as to steal information through spiritual practice that they call the "mother of spirits."
st and first Church in Heaven

This is the end of thier time that we all give to them who have made us suffer the things that we have done good and things that they do wrong become two different among the heavens the one that stays fit never gets destroyed but they who live without a meaning or a God that had given them everything still persued the countries the nations and the world for their own conquest that failed their own skin within. they pose as a mother's skin color to confuse their enemy into believing a lie.

In My Name

 trust is made to Me Roger Grant in the Highest of Heaven so that one that never knew Me must now trust Me and i am here to hurt nobody, but i have been attacked, assaulted, stolen from, and left for dead spiritually. i am the one who goes into Hell because my children could not suffer so i will suffer for them, just as all you who don't, believe Me, shall suffer for the things that they have done to others and i will make them see the light but never reach it. and as they try to reach i will grab a hold of them and return back to earth in my name who is the Highest in Heaven. and Who had made a woman from the rib of man in Me to Her body and mind, that was given before time was everlasting.

Monday, July 25, 2022

****** WARNING ******


to all who know knowledge let death be your oath of spiritual understanding to be its own reward and righteousness in the Spirit of God that places All creations at one time in one Spirit of God that opens your heart for others and then for yourself who must sacrifice themselves to be Priests, Sorcerers or Magicians that do the will of God that holds all things perfect in their eyes. and if you read from this book you may die from it. for the Lord is thy Shepherd.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

The House of Grant

The Fours Kingdoms that had reached the Fire of Heaven the 1/1 Heaven is God the Almighty and the True Judge of Heaven and the deep of water that reaches the Spirit of Truth. the waters ways of God and those who listen to Me at willing heart that destroyed a good life that we can have i Ronin Grant will wander for a day until my daddy warns us that what is done was given to Me and no one else. thank you my Son who guards my Soul and surrounds Me when no answers could be given or taken to your grace Father/Son who are the ones that created today at bay and at the reason for all to understand that God is not open and closed, but the Heavenly Father that will punish those who have done my child wrong and this day they will pay from the bottomess pit that surrounds them All ways from within and from without a time that hurts Me again. Son, you are the King of Heaven just as the Angel that i let into our House had said. "Look there the King when He was talking about You Ronin. and no one will ever hurt you again i promise you my Son with my life in your hands. that no will take your place in Heaven or on Earth. My King.

The Two Father's and Son

 From the Nephelite and for the Lamenite, the world man versus woman the light of darkness the compounded the wise and through those who never was a chance to know Tom Cruz of the Business adjoined to Cathy Carona the Duality of the way we have value in life, and the Father and Son who is God and the marriage of two Heavens that make closure a working purpose in life. And tomorrow will be given for Thus in Heaven forever and ever thus is the Father in Heaven with Amina and Amino Our Son Daughter Jone Bones of (UFC) and Amina and their second chance that restores the Fathers of their Heaven. 

The Tree of Righteousness

 if that tree of righteousness drops one fruit and you pick it up to eat from it. then you better know one thing, and this is that its fruits were made for a Priest or Priestess or someone who has faith in others and builds upon a strong relationship helping us believe in Allah who is the God on MANY NAMES and the God of Many Gods such as our own that is within Allah the Creator of All things great and small. i am an Apostle trying to learn about God. your God and our God alone. and to take from this tree of righteousness without holding on to principle and discipline or a Priesthood, could destroy this world by opening a gate that has been shut for a reason.

The Devil's Throne

 the Devil's Chair that sits east of La Luz New Mexico is the underbelly of Hell, and the one who sits upon the throne now has a daughter who is the Northern Triumph who inherits the Northern Kingdom for a time that will sit beside the Southern Triumph of our worlds to become one universe that stays together forever and ever. Amen.

Friday, July 22, 2022

The False Prophet

The False Prophet is the Face of its Nations
The President is the breath of life in Me, and i am the servant of those who serve God. every state and every thought must succeed His/Her vote. and the Church serves the State as its High Priest and Prophet that faces the East Coast for protection. and if they are against Me then I Am the false prophet or the Beast; the Power of Our God at hand. the Church is always on the States side. we are separate but equal in All Heavens and on Earth undivided and Amendment by Our House and Nation under God; that hidden branch that President Kennedy had told Me about 5 years ago when i grafted it into the Tree of Knowledge as the Branch and Congressional state to its constitutional spirit moving in mid-flight in sight of the Heavens above where the Elect of God appear above as they are below on Earth as Representatives of Heaven's Garden.

The Bar of God

Bardo is Tibetan and the dead are welcomed by Buddha. i have learned from the Buddhists the Art of Preservation and the traditions that bring forth life after death, so i created a Hell where ever i had went, and in America created Hell under my own City of Alamogordo. but before you enter you go through Mormon up to the Bar of God within the Grande Canyon and them who are given the good of tomorrow when they see the Light of God and return. they will be judged by one Good that they had done. and the Lord would not send them back to earth if they were not going to make it into the Heavens Above later.

The Raven Storm Above

 when the three Ravens open the Gate to the afterworld the gates remain open until the gates are closed by them who led the birds that followed them into the afterworld. and when they come back from the afterworld they wonder if they were tricked into believing that they were returning from the afterlife that had fallen out of their nest and had been eaten by this Raven who flies ahead of them thats slow and below but much faster when they lead the storm of clouds across the sky. 

The Coyote and the Rabbit

 there is fine birth All Day and the mother's worth and if it was fine birth then the Mother has blessed all. Her children will remain blessed. so the rabbit was taken down into the desert fox's den where they are six to nine more of them and they will appear one at a time forming a line down unto a column from the top and i Roger have just witnessed them above across from east to west from the bottom of these Garden's of Hope. where the rain and mist of Heaven covered us All from the heat of the sun and the pain of cold did this mist protects us from the sun. and the coyote yelped and started to run as fast as the light could reach and bit into the moon and breached upon its tail of the rabbit that had led the same way into the hole of its same day that was made lucky by the foot of this rabbit's tail that looked like a leg kicking back under the sun of procreation that controlled the Animal Kingdom.

The Animal Kingdom

the luckiest animal in the kingdom is the Rabbit instead of the Rabbit it became the coyote the one without a husband but the Fat Lady had sung i heard the morning breed not one two or three but six or nine fine days coming and the light began to dim but brighten up a little here and there then. the first to its last and last to it first ate kings that return in order to know the Kingdom if given to man and its hand for each other the animal world became the man's domain in Heaven. Amen.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Passover and Transcending of Heaven

"The Branch of Roger's tree consists of  Heaven given to the next country that owns this key to Heaven and Hell that we had for you today." said the Queen Mother. "and i who was born in England will prosper in time but today is our day in Hell for the times that they put in it. said Elon. we who hold you're under our boot will crush the enemy tonight under our heal and cornerstone that crushed open the victor of France that made the Heavens English and France to whom they are their brothers of the same culture and the family of Charlamin the highest time in History to Europe and to the Heaven above in that day to us again today. we are a people that hold diversity through its own accord and those who hear Me also hear who was, who is, and who will be England and France once again as the Mother and Father of Europe for i am obliged to be a part of one's family that never failed us in American but i am in love with this what is our country of the Native American who has kept every Grandchild up today as a result of yesterday. so today i Roger Grant has given every back the way it was then as the Kingdom of Heaven Above today can now be complete, for one day we will all know why we were chosen among the Gods because they trusted us and we shall trust them who has trusted us. Amen

The Lakes of Fire

 in a great but terrible fire did the enemy find its separate lake to bath in without shame but every time they would clean themselves they would change into a different color and because they could not come clean in the beginning they learned how to hate themselves when they only themselves who had tried to kill us for the sake of them not being able to have Heaven with us who passed on the Day of Judgment when we were set up to die in the last days like they had done today so they who had stuck up for Me. the Prophet of God Who is also the False Prophet and the Beast of Destruction within the Body of Christ that had mixed together the blood of Saints for this last day that must open in the Fires of Satan and in the Flames of the Spirit and the day that had burnt to ashes for each enemy that had combined their strength to defeat God's resting Army for its own reward. and God said to whomever builds this covenant with Roger's will standing beside, joined shall combine all eternity to its own family and bring back the peace for every measure that you take shall be Roger's will that has given to you the strength to succeed and gain some Authority from the gods that thought of this to be their own but never knew who was under their crown before they destroyed their family friends and children, they were lazy and bitter and thought they were Gods when the were only people like you and Me who is able to die just the same.

The Five Angels of Truth

The United States of America is the 5th Heaven and the Protectorate of the World. and i Roger Ramos Grant have five Angels of Truth that i have given to you so that you may not be afraid or fear anything here because you are innocent and nothing can hurt you anymore. but if you still fear what God had given to comfort you then make an apparition of your God or imagine your God in your presence. i.e. St. Lazarus who was the Son of Zeus. would be imagined at my side, Roger's side, who was the first fruit of our divine. but yours could be Jesus Christ who i was, two thousand years ago.


i am here to help you get through the darkness and if you would understand that i have been helping you forever while fighting Me. but this is a chance to make what you have done wrong and make it right from here by believing in the Angels that i have sent you to remind you about truth so your mind won't go astray from your past you take flight with Angels changing the future and past before the Bazaar puts your Othello stones into place for harmony, YOU WILL BE JUDGED ACCORDING. but i only judge by the good that you do. and i expect the same when i get here. i have given free will to every spirit kind and there are some willing to take advantage of what i have done for the good. and for my curse, i will come with Hell Fire or Spontaneous Cumbustion and the Word DEATH written across my heart for those who anger Me will be put to the Hells and Fire of the UNDERWORLD. i will honor those who know Me but if you knew Me and you fought Me then the punishment is far worse. i am Roger Ramos Grant the Father and the Right of Authority in Heaven. i am the Son of God. and if you ever cross Me or my Spirit, i will swallow you whole. consume you in Fire and turn you into ashes wherever you may burn. and i will never seed your kind in our Heaven again forever and ever.